Saturday, September 6, 2008

Patience--and the other good things--continues Part 2

So we arrived in Amsterdam and I was pretty much exhausted. The only hotel actually in the airport there is the Mercure. They were booked solid before I even left USA. The closest alternative, just outside the airport, and I forget the name now, cost something like 500 Euros a night. No matter that I only needed it during the day and for 10 hours at best--it stil would have cost wayyyy more than I could afford, or was even willing to pay. In hindsight I would now pay almost any amount of money to have been able to rest! In fact exhausted doesnt even begin to explain how I felt.

First there was the sheer relief of having finally made it that far. It took over 9 months for me to plan, sell, give away, pack, etc for this trip. 9 months of raw nerves and sheer terror at times. Oh yes, I sooo wanted to move to Egypt--it was hijra in fact. But it was scary nonetheless. There were definitely days where I could have easily given up the whole idea and just stayed there. Yet when I comtemplated that idea, I became more scared. Because my last few years in America were anything but pleasant. Mainly because I felt so cut off from Islam and Muslims, especially after all my kids left home to makes lives of their own. Living there became one worry after another--bills, responsibilities, and the feeling that particularly as a Muslimah alone, I was truly a fish out of water. So all that combined to exhaust me completely when I was finally able to comprehend we were on our way to a new life.

Did I mention the airport in Amsterdam, while beautiful, is HOT??? Sooooo hot. Pushing my Mom around in her wheelchair, with 2 carry-ons and 2 purses made it even more tiresome. I simply didnt know where to go to rest. We went outside for awhile, enjoying the lovely view in front of the terminal. But it was hot outside as well. We couldnt take it for very long. Off we went again, back into the buiding, slowly making the long walk back to our gate. Finally we decided it was time to get something to eat. Food was expensive and I couldnt figure out the Euros. I ended up just putting everything on my debit card. After lunch we discovered a place where travelers could rest--these comfy kind of chaise lounge thingies, but they were plastic and hot as well. The place where they were situated was under a skylight, adding to the discomfort. Yet I slept like the dead. I awoke even more tired and sweaty as all get out. I had just enough time to find a bathroom and wash, change my day old clothes for fresh ones, and it was time to board for the trip to Cairo. Once on the plane, I finally relaxed because I knew my Egyptian family would be waiting for me on the other end. We ate dinner and I slept again. Finally, we arrived in Cairo. Alhamdulilah and thanks be to Allah.

I have to mention here that NWA and KLM were wonderful airlines. Absolutely wonderful. I had to take them as they were the only airlines that flew internationally and at the same time could accomodate my huge dog. Funny, the dog and cat actually had a room in the pet hotel in Amsterdam. I was more than willing to bunk with them--haha--but I wasnt even allowed to see them. I was however given written confirmation each time we boarded a plane that my pets were also safely aboard, and they had food, clean cages and bedding at each stop. For that reason alone--the fact they took such good care of my beloved furry family--is reason enough for me to fly with them again. But next time--if there ever is a next time (which will be for a visit home only) you can bet I will reserve a hotel room. At my age, I just cant travel by the seat of my pants any longer.

Next installment...we arrive in Cairo.


Raúl said...

me gusta mucho tu blog lo visito todos los dias visita tu el mio y si t gusta deja un comentario y nos linkeamos los blogs

Queen O'Danile said...

Sería para mí un placer. Gracias por parar por. También visité su blog - muy agradable.

on the edge said...

So glade you made the trip in one piece with your mom and the furrys !That trip is 1 hell of a ride isn't it ?? And my kids and family back in the US want to know why I don't go home for a visit ! LOL !

At our age a hotel room is imperative , not a luxury as some may think , I agree .it is nice to know that your pets were taken care of so well .

Hope you are surviving the heat and am so glade to read all about your adventures once again .

Queen O'Danile said...

Yeppers hell of a ride pretty much explains it--hahaha! And you are right--at our age a hotel room is a must. I dont know what the heck I was thinking, but I sure learned my lesson.

Abt the heat, alhamdulilah after months of horrible heat and humidity--and much patience, I finally got an AC alhamdulilah. Just a few short days before Ramadan began. How's the weather in your neck of the woods? Is it still real hot there?